Nitrogen management in legume crops
August 30, 2019
<h2>Maximising nitrogen fixation in your crop</h2>
<p><strong>Source Nikki Seymour, DAF Qld</strong></p>
<h3>Good agronomy + Good inoculation = Good N fixation</h3>
<li>Generally, N fixation is related to the biomass of the crop so the bigger the crop the more N is fixed</li>
<li>Agronomic practices that optimise plant growth will maximise N fixation</li>
<li>Inoculants need careful handling as they contain live bacteria </li>
<li>Poor nodulation can lead to N deficient crops, reduced grain protein and yield</li>
<p><img src="/storage/app/media/blog%20assets/rhzobium%20nodules.jpg" alt="" />
<em>Rhizobium nodules on roots.</em></p>
<h3>Good Agronomy</h3>
<li>Good drainage – waterlogging can reduce N fixation and increase denitrification</li>
<li>Minimise or eliminate N fertilise...</li></ul>