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Preserve chickpea value with effective grub control

September 07, 2015
Pulse Australia estimates that over half a million hectares have been sown to desi chickpea this year in the northern growing region of Queensland and northern NSW. This is the largest area sown to chickpea in the industry’s history in Australia, double the 5-year average, and brings with it some potential logistical difficulties.

Setting early chickpea pods

September 07, 2015
Warmer day temperatures and earlier plantings in some districts have initiated early flowering in many chickpea crops this season. A number of growers have been wondering why many of these flowers have dropped without setting pods and how to encourage pod set early in the season.

Lupin on the move in southern WA

September 07, 2015
For the past three seasons, lupin pricing has hovered around and beyond $300/t, following very disappointing financial returns from lupins in 2011.

Managing in-crop weeds in pulses

June 17, 2015
Some growers are facing a challenge to manage high density, herbicide resistant annual ryegrass populations in chickpea this year, potentially limiting yield.

Protecting chickpea crops from ascochyta blight

June 10, 2015
Many chickpea crops are now emerging and it is time to focus on the management of ascochyta blight. The susceptibility of the variety to disease and other risk factors will help determine the need for a prophylactic fungicide spray program.