2020 Mungbeans at Murgon

Posted in PulseCheck–Coastal on Apr 24, 2020

2020 Jade-AU mungbeans at Murgon

Grower: Agronomist and broadacre grower Wayne Seiler.

Plant date: 25th January, 2020

Variety: Jade-AU mungbeans

Area: 40 ha

Soil type: Red Forest Soil

Previous crop: Peanuts and maize

Pre-planting management

  • With low weed pressure a fallow spray of Roundup and Zulu was applied to the paddock before planting.
  • A mixture of Muriate Potash and DAP was applied prior to planting.

Week 1

Management notes:

  • Mungbeans were planted on 75 mm of rainfall. With moisture below the surface, the crop was poking through the soil within 4 days of planting.
  • Crop was planted on an average 400 mm row spacing. With a 450 mm spacing used for the tractor wheels and no rows are planted in the tractor wheel tracks. The outer rows are 300mm spacing.
  • The planter has single disc opener units mounted under a combine.

Week 2

Management notes:

  • 20 mm of rainfall was received, assisting with mungbeans in producing their trifoliate leaves.

Week 3

Management notes:

  • Flame chemical damage observed in a small patch within the mungbeans, this was a result of using the chemical in the previous crop of peanuts. With more rain on the way, no doubt the plants will grow out of the symptoms. See photo below, there is a slight tinge of yellow in the left hand side of the photo, these are the affected mungbeans.

Slight yellow tinge on plants on the left hand side of the photo indicating chemical damage from residual herbicide used in previous peanut crop.

Week 4–5

Management notes:

  • After the recent rain, weeds are starting to emerge, therefore a mixture of Ardeo and Circus was applied to help control the new flush of weeds.
  • The mungbeans affected by Impose residue are looking much healthier and on par with the other mungbean plants.

No sign of the previous symptoms of chemical damage.

Week 6

Management notes:

  • The mungbeans and growing well, looking green and approaching flowering stage.
  • 40mm of rain was received last Tuesday and Wednesday. This has increased the presence of insects in the crop. A mixture of Altacor, Starkle and Orius was applied Monday to control helicoverpa and mirids.

Flowering has commenced.

Week 7

Management notes:

  • The mungbeans are doing well and are at flowering/pod setting stage.
  • On Saturday the crop, in parts, was looking a little heat stressed during the heat of the day. However, after 80 mm of rain received on Monday it really has set up the crop for good success.
  • It is now nearly 2 weeks since the crop was sprayed for insects. Currently, some heli eggs are present but no larvae observed. Insects will continue to be monitored.

Young pods and plenty of flowers.

Week 8


Management notes:

  • The beans are at initial podding stage and developing pods well. A second flush of flowers was observed.
  • Due to high helicoverpa pressure with a large egg lay with very small to small larvae, the crop was sprayed Tuesday with Lymo, Alpha scud and Orius by plane.
  • Helicoverpa pressure around the area is starting to increase.

Helicoverpa pressure rising in the inland Burnett area.

Week 9

Management notes:

  • The mungbeans are developing pods and are looking green and lush.
  • No insect concerns at this stage – the spray applied last week has worked well.

Podding is in full swing.

Week 10

Management notes:

  • The beans are starting to mature and turn brown.
  • Unfortunately a dry finish is causing some beans to abort
  • No insect concerns at this stage.

Pods maturing well.

Week 11

Management notes:

  • The mungbean pods are around 80% mature and ready to be desiccated and harvested soon.
  • Desiccation mixture of Roundup will be applied via plane next week.

Crop is ready for desiccation.

Week 13

Management notes:

  • The crop was harvested this week and yielded 2.17 t/ha. An excellent result for a dryland crop!

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