Anthracnose in albus lupins

Posted in Agronomy alert, News and events on Oct 24, 2016

Lupin Anthracnose confirmed in southern NSW

In the early October 2016 the disease lupin anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lupini, was confirmed in several commercial lupin crops in southern NSW.

This disease was first detected in commercial lupin crops in Western Australia and in South Australia in 1996. In the same year the disease was found on ornamental or Russell lupins growing in private and public gardens throughout NSW, but was soon eradicated.

Since that time crop surveillance throughout NSW has not found the disease in any commercial lupin crops until now. The disease is a threat to the NSW lupin industry. Albus lupin varieties are highly susceptible to the disease, while narrowleaf lupins do have some resistance, in particular the varieties Wonga and PBA Barlock.

Download NSW DPI Crop Disease Bulletin This edition contains important information about Anthracnose of Lupin, including key features of the disease, symptoms and what steps to take to diagnose the disease.

At this stage we need to ascertain the extent of the disease within NSW. To support eradication and continued lupin anthracnose freedom in NSW we need to know if the disease is present outside of the current detection area where we are attempting eradication.

At the moment surveillance of lupin crops is being completed in the detection area by NSW DPI with support from the Riverina LLS.

Across NSW, growers, agronomists, and advisors are encouraged to inspect lupin crops for symptoms of anthracnose and collect any suspect samples or report to NSW DPI of any suspect crops. We also encourage negative inspections (where symptoms of the disease are not found) to be reported, as this supports our on-going surveillance and eradication.

Download surveillance form

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