Improved soybean varieties

Posted in PulseCheck–Coastal on Oct 07, 2019

Soy Australia – New soybean variety information and field inspection of crops.

30 October at 3 pm Finishing with refreshments at Claredale Pastures, Mio College. Details and RSVP: Simon Crane or phone (03) 5448 3881

Breeding improved soybean varieties

Dr Andrew James, soybean breeder with CSIRO, leads the National Soybean Improvement Program. Partially funded by GRDC with private industry funding for the breeding program. Soybean breeding program has a major nodes at Gatton, Brisbane, Grafton and Yanco as well as trial sites from the Atherton Tablelands to the Riverina, and sometimes northern Victoria.

The main objectives of the plant breeding program are to make soybean cropping easier and more secure for growers (e.g. yield, disease and herbicide tolerance traits) and to provide varieties that meet market requirements (e.g. hilum colour, protein quality traits).

Plant breeding for human consumption soybean

CSIRO plant breeder Dr Andrew James outlines the soybean breeding program goals for better agronomic traits and better marketability for human consumption.

Varieties for rotation with sugarcane in coastal environments

Soybean variety update – Hayman and Richmond

Growers have several options when growing soybeans in rotation with sugarcane in Australia. CSIRO plant breeder, Dr Andrew James outlines the options and explains the key factors that influence variety choice.

Herbicide tolerance trials

A recent priority in the soybean plant breeding program has been the development of herbicide tolerance. CSIRO plant breeder Dr Andrew James explains how this new trait will assist growers while maintaining Australia's non-GM soybean status.

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