Lupin anthracnose proof of freedom surveillance

Posted in Agronomy alert on Jul 20, 2023

We need your help

Eastern Australia is the only region in the world that claims freedom from lupin anthracnose. Lupin anthracnose is the most destructive fungal disease of lupins worldwide. In 2019 NSW’s area freedom status for lupin anthracnose was reinstated after a successful joint industry and government eradication campaign.

NSW DPI and LLS are again asking for your assistance this season. Agronomists, advisors and growers in the Riverina, Murray, Central West and Central Tablelands regions are needed to gather evidence that we remain free of this disease to support market access, and to enable early detection should lupin anthracnose enter NSW again.

We encourage advisors, agronomists and growers who are inspecting lupin crops (preferably albus lupins) to become involved in a program to capture absence data by reporting on two inspections per lupin paddock using an app called MyPestGuideReporter. The surveillance will take place over mid-September to early October.

Free diagnostic support will also be available to assist with identifying any unusual symptoms you might find and are uncertain about the likely cause.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact DPI Grains Biosecurity Officer, Kate Glastonbury.

Email: | Mobile: 0417 687 307

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