New leadership

Posted in News and events, Press Releases on Jun 03, 2016

Pulse Australia and Australian Oilseeds Federation set to join forces

Building on a long-standing working partnership, Pulse Australia and the Australian Oilseed Federation are exploring the opportunity to share resources and provide partnership synergies to their respective member organisations.

Pulse Australia chairman, Peter Wilson said both organisations would continue to provide key member services and maintain their respective roles as the peak industry bodies for Australian pulses and oilseeds.

“I strongly believe in the value of a dedicated advocacy voice for the pulse and oilseed industries in Australia,” he said. “Pulse Australia will continue to support national and international trade in pulses, oversee national pulse production data, maintain grain quality standards, provide feedback to pulse breeders regarding market requirements and opportunities and be ready to provide a coordinated response to industry issues, such as biosecurity, freight logistics and market access, as and when they arise.”

Mr Wilson said Pulse Australia and the Australian Oilseed Federation’s long history of working together includes over a decade of partnership with Grain Trade Australia in hosting the annual Australian Grains Industry Conference, a five year partnership in delivering the GRDC-funded Broadleaf Cropping Alliance project, and joint membership of a number of grains industry bodies such as Grains Industry Market Access Forum (GIMAF) and the Grains and Plant Products Export Industry Consultative Committee (GPPEICC).

“Pulse Australia is committed to strengthening its value proposition to members and I firmly believe working closer with AOF and sharing resources will produce a stronger outcome for both organisations and their members,” he said.

Specifically, Pulse Australia will continue to add value to the industry through a supply chain approach to industry development with a national agenda and provision of services such as:

  • the coordination of Australian pulse industry activities during this International Year of Pulses
  • timely pulse crop forecasts throughout the growing season
  • compilation of production, yield and export data
  • sharing market news
  • ensuring receival and export standards balance the needs of all industry participants
  • liaising with the Australian Government and industry to present a balanced industry view
  • representing Australia in international pulse industry forums
  • addressing market access issues
  • identifying the need for temporary use permits for required crop protection chemicals
  • ensuring important industry advice notices are issued in a timely manner.

The new leadership and secretariat arrangements are expected to take effect on 1 July 2016.

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