Opportunities for albus lupin in 2015

Posted in Agronomy alert on Mar 10, 2015

Albus lupins are definitely back in the crop rotation on Paul and Sue Kelly’s Mingenew farm, after achieving record yields with the new variety, Amira.

Opportunities for albus lupin in 2015

by Alan Meldrum, Pulse Australia industry development manager

This year many growers are choosing to include anthracnose resistant albus lupin in rotation on heavy soils. Currently, the solid prices offered for albus lupin and the lower production cost compared to canola makes an attractive combination.

Department of Agriculture and Food WA, Pulse Australia, CRT and Heritage Seeds are encouraging new and returning growers to refresh their knowledge about this crop, which is a viable alternative to canola as a break crop on heavier soils.

WA has a real freight advantage to the reach the Egyptian market, where almost all Australian-grown albus lupins are sold. Reaching a critical mass in production and a relatively stable price would assist this small but valuable crop. WA growers could comfortably supply 25–30 thousand tonnes annually to this market.

The revival of the industry is on the back of the new variety, Amira, which was bred by Dr Kedar Adhikari while he worked with DAFWA.

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