Plan your break crop phase

Posted in PulseCheck–Coastal on Aug 21, 2020

Planning your break crop phase

There is a lot to think about when planning a break crop phase. A new planner and discussion aid is now available for growers and advisors to use.

The Wide Bay break crop planner is ready for real-world testing and growers and advisors are invited to download the planner (an Excel file) and trial it. Feedback is requested, so if you find mistakes or can add to the knowledge base please send your comments and information to Cindy Benjamin.

The agronomic information is provided as a guide only. Much of the information has been sourced from dryland situations and from other agro-ecological areas.

The aim of the planner is to highlight the potential value and risks associated with each break crop options and to consider the effect each crop may have on the following crop. Before using the planner please read the Crop sequence tips article.

The planner is also being developed for use in the Inland Burnett, Burdekin and North Coast NSW areas. Growers in these areas can still use the Wide Bay planner and use the 'other' setting to add crops and varieties that might not be listed for the Wide Bay. Keep in mind any potential differences in agronomic details for your region and seek local advice.

Download the Wide Bay Break Crop Planner

You will need to 'enable macros' when you open the file on your computer (it will go direct to your Downloads folder). The file has a detailed instruction sheet so please read that if you are not sure how to get started.

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