Pulse Check Coastal welcome

Posted in PulseCheck–Coastal on Oct 25, 2018

Confident pulse / legume production in coastal and tableland environments

Pulse Check Coastal is a new GRDC project that aims to deliver on-the-spot seasonally relevant information to pulse growers in four coastal and tablelands areas from northern NSW to the Burdekin. Crops included are soybean, mungbean, peanut and any other pulses grown for grain production.

To be involved, you can follow the PulseCheckCoast facebook page for practical insights and advice from growers, agronomists and researchers.

The four Coastal and Tablelands Pulse Check groups
each have a group coordinator. The coordinator’s role is to work with group members to identify opportunities for and constraints to pulse production in each area. The coordinator will identify experts and other resources to assist with solving problems during the season and to highlight opportunities that may be beneficial to growers.

The Coastal and Tablelands sub-region groups will use digital technologies to share information, questions and ideas relevant to each group. Group members will also be notified of and encouraged to attend relevant activities such as field days, training sessions, industry tours such as those organised by the Grower Solutions Group, agribusiness, government etc.

The group coordinator will arrange for weekly crop updates to be posted on-line along with commentary about the decisions made and actions taken in the crop that week. Group members are asked to contribute to the discussions and engage with the coordinator to share experience and learnings and to ask questions of the group during the season.

Experts will provide on-the-spot advice and information to the group on request. This information will be collected from the expert using video, audio and written resources and shared with the Pulse Check group members. This is so you don’t have to wait for a field day or crop walk to ask a question and get an answer.

The aim is to build confidence through practical discussions, problem solving and timely decision making.

If you would like to join the local Pulse Check group you will need to:

  • Be interested in pulse production in your farming system.
  • Be willing to share your success, mistakes, learnings and experiments with other growers.
  • Have an email address.
  • Preferrably have a Facebook account and check the @PulseCheckCoast page from time to time.
  • Contribute to the discussions and welcome regular contact from the group coordinator.

The Pulse Check Coastal and Tablelands group coordinators are:

  • North Coast NSW – Dom Hogg / Zac Geldof, Northern Agriservices
  • Inland Burnett – Ben Carroll / Claire-Marie Pepper, Northern Agriservices
  • Coastal Burnett & Fraser Coast – Simon Andreoli / Renee Liddle, Northern Agriservices
  • Burdekin & Mackay / Proserpine – Cindy Benjamin

Project leader: Cindy Benjamin, Independent communication and extension consultant
Project administrator: Nick Goddard, Soy Australia
Funding: GRDC

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