Pulse variety guide 2021

Posted in Marketing and trade on Jan 27, 2022

Welcome to this definitive guide to Australian pulse varieties.

This guide provides details of the grain traits of all chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentil, lupin and mungbean varieties grown in Australia, both current and past. This guide demonstrates the tremendous improvement in grain quality achieved by Australian pulse plant breeders over the past three decades.

You can download a copy or request a print-ready file for commercial printing.

Pulse breeding programs in Australia

Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) was a world class Australian breeding program that delivered highly adapted chickpea, field pea, lentil, faba bean and lupin varieties to growers across Australia from 2006 to 2019. The breeding teams for each crop achieved higher yielding varieties with improved adaptation and disease resistance, while improving grain quality to match the requirements of our export markets. Following the closure of PBA, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) along with the lead agency involved in each PBA crop, remains committed to delivering improved, high value pulse varieties to Australian growers.

Chickpea Breeding Australia (CBA) is a joint venture with NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) and GRDC, based at Tamworth, NSW. Lentil and field pea breeding is through Victorian Department of Jobs, Training and Regions at Horsham, with GRDC investment. Faba bean breeding is through Adelaide University (Southern Regions) and Sydney University (Northern Regions, Narrabri), with GRDC investment.

Grains Innovation Australia (GIA) a private company breeding lentils and field peas.

Plant breeders in the National Mungbean Improvement Progam (NMIP) fulfil this role for mungbean varieties. The NMIP is a collaborative initiative between GRDC and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Queensland focusing on the delivery of superior mungbean varieties for Australian growers and superior quality for the marketplace.

Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) conducts commercial lupin breeding in Western Australia through germplasm licensing arrangements established with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and GRDC in 2015.

Varieties classified and described

The details provided in this publication for each pulse variety are:

  • year of release
  • seed weight, expressed as grams per 100 seeds
  • seed coat colour (for lentils)
  • seed shape (for lentils)
  • primary production region (see map).

The PBR symbol indicates that a variety is protected by Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR).

Regions of pulse variety production

Pulse variety production regions used in this publication are: North – regions 1, 2 and 3 in Queensland and NSW South – regions 4 and 5 in NSW, Victoria and South Australia West – regions 4 and 5 in Western Australia

Pulse Australia welcomes feedback about the value and detail of the information provided in this guide. Please send your feedback to us via email.

Pulse Australia is the industry’s peak body, operating across the entire supply chain. Pulse Australia’s industry development managers provide advice and support regarding variety development, on-farm pulse production and the export of quality Australian pulse grain.

Pulse Australia receives financial support from the GRDC and many participants in the Australian pulse value chain. Their support underpins Pulse Australia’s ability to drive continuous improvement in the profitability of the pulse grain industry in Australia.

This guide is stored in the Publications page of the Pulse Australia website.

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