Pulse crops
Crop specific production guides
Best management production guides includes the latest research and trial information for each pulse crop.
Pulse best management training courses
Pulse Australia offers training courses designed for farmers, agronomists and advisors with experience levels ranging from first time growers through to those that have been growing pulses for many years.
The courses provide you with both the technical knowledge and practical skills required to achieve more reliable and profitable pulse crop production. By providing the science and reasoning behind current Best Management Practices and the reasons why correct management decisions are so critical to the final outcome including the latest research and advancements in the industry.
These courses have been developed in consultation with the relevant State Departments of Agriculture, are supported by GRDC, and delivered by Pulse Australia in association with your local State Department of Agriculture.
The ten modules of learning covered by the courses are:
- Rotational benefits and profitability
- Plant physiology
- Variety selection
- General agronomy
- Weed Management
- Disease management
- Insect management
- Desiccation, harvest and storage
- Marketing, end uses and standards
- Chemical application