Australian Pulse Bulletin

Lupin fungicide guide: 2017 season

After a reasonable autumn break for sowing crops, conditions in many regions have become cold and dry, with frosty mornings. Fungal diseases need only limited moisture to infect crops (heavy dew may provide enough moisture), so monitoring needs to be continued through the different growth stages of the crop. With good access for ground sprayers this year, allowing for high water rates and canopy penetration, timely fungicide application will give the crop the best chance of a high yield.

Lupins are affected by several foliar fungus diseases including lupin anthracnose (LA), Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) and Botrytis grey mould (BGM), which can be managed using fungicides. Others including brown spot (Pleiochaeta setosa) and phomopsis (Diaporthe toxica) are best managed by rotating paddocks to non-host crops, using resistant varieties or fungicide seed dressings.

Lupin anthracnose is a serious fungal disease that is found in several regions around Australia. Most recently, southern NSW crops were found with the disease in 2016, but the disease has been endemic in WA, SA and Victoria since the mid 1990s. A five point plan has been developed by NSW DPI to eradicate the disease from NSW.

Pulse Australia has Minor Use Permits from APVMA to help growers manage LA and SSR disease in lupin crops, and these are shown in the table below along with all the currently registered products.

Decisions need to be made such as when to start the spray program and how often to spray, depending on the varietal resistance, the prevailing weather conditions and the potential yield of the crop. Fungal disease control is based on crop protection rather than curing. The first fungicide spray must be applied as early as necessary to minimise the establishment of the disease. Additional sprays are required if the weather conditions favour the disease.

Fungicides remain effective for approximately 10–14 days, but keep in mind that all new growth after spraying is unprotected. The need for repeated fungicide sprays depends on the amount of unprotected growth, the amount of rainfall since spraying and the likelihood of a further extended wet period. Unprotected crops can drop leaves and lose over 50% in yield.

For more detailed information on disease management: 

  • Lupin anthracnose on flowers (NSW DPI).

  • Lupin anthracnose lesions on stem (NSW DPI).

Minor Use Permits for fungicide on lupins

  • PER82209 Chlorothalonil / Albus lupin / Anthracnose / Current to 30-Nov-2021
  • PER82240 Boscalid / Narrow-Leaf Lupins & Albus Lupins / Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mould) / Current to 30-Sep-2020
  • PER82261 Iprodione / Narrow-Leaf Lupins & Albus Lupins / Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mould) / Current to 30-Sep-2020

Fungicides registered for disease control in lupins

Lupin Foliar Fungicide
Trade Name example
Botrytis grey mould
WHP Harvest
Bravo 500
Permit 2.0 L/ha
14 days

Bravo 720
Permit 1.5 L/ha
14 days

Mueso 900
Permit 1.1 L/ha
14 days
Mancozeb 750
Dithane DF
1.0–2.2 kg/ha
1.0–2.2 kg/ha
28 days
Boscalid 500
Permit 0.4–1.0 kg/ha
21 days
Iprodione 500
Rovral NR NR Permit 1.0–1.5 L/ha (WA only)
49 days
Iprodione 250
Titan NR NR Permit 2.0–3.0 L/ha (WA only)
49 days

Many of the Minor Use Permits have short term expiry dates (e.g. 30/11/2017) 

NR = Not Registered 

Read the Label

As with any chemical application, care should be taken to observe all the label conditions for each product. Some label advice is different for each state or region, so for best results, it is important that this is followed. Many of our pulse crops are exported for human consumption, so market access is dependent on having the product free of chemical residues. Australian has a reputation for providing clean and safe produce so it is vital that this is maintained by using chemicals according to regulations. All permits have label recommendations for use rate and withholding periods (WHP) that must be observed so grain will comply with Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) allowable for market access.

Key contacts

Pulse Australia Industry Development Managers

Support and funding acknowledgement

Australian Pulse Bulletins are a joint initiative of Pulse Australia and the Pulse Agronomic Research Teams from VicGov, SARDI, NSW DPI, DAF Qld and DAFWA

Pulse Australia acknowledges the financial support from their members.


Information provided in this guide was correct at the time of the date shown below. No responsibility is accepted by Pulse Australia for any commercial outcomes from the use of information contained in this guide.

The information herein has been obtained from sources considered reliable but its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. No liability or responsibility is accepted for any errors or for any negligence, omissions in the contents, default or lack of care for any loss or damage whatsoever that may arise from actions based on any material contained in this publication.

Readers who act on this information do so at their own risk.

Copyright © 2015 Pulse Australia

All rights reserved. The information provided in the publication may not be reproduced in part or in full, in any form whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Pulse Australia.

Last updated: 7 July 2017